Inner Energy

Each of us is made from energy, and we can all attain a level of self healing with no need for conventional medication.

Ancient Eastern medial models have used this energy within us for thousands of years, however conventional Western thinking has frowned upon this, preferring to use medicines and chemicals to heal.

Have you ever got a papercut? It heals itself doesn’t it? You may place a plaster over it, but you do not take any medication for the cut to close, your body does it itself, it is a combination of our body’s energy and our mind that has the expectation that “this papercut will heal!”.

The same process can be applied to much larger ailments. Tuning in to our inner energy can be easy and quick, and once you are tuned in to it you can master your emotions and can transform your health simply. Self-healing is not at all complicated. In fact that are various ways to do so.

Here we will look at a few simple steps you can use to find your inner energy and bring a feeling of peace and inner calm. Once mastered it is a simple as changing the channels on a television set or radio, and you can literally feel yourself relax with that change.

To start with, get in to a comfortable position and focus your breathing, do not force it just be aware of each breath coming in and leaving your body, retain this state for at least 5 minutes and empty your mind.

Put your hands in front of you, palm to palm, and rub them up and down against each other quickly for a minute or so, while still keeping focus on your natural breathing, feel the warmth building up between your hands.

Slowly pull your hands apart and keep them palm to palm, feel that warmth still between them. This is your inner energy. Focus on it and realize that it is always there, feel it flowing through your hands as you hold them in front of you. Keep practicing this for a few days until you can really tune in to that energy in your hands and feel it. Once you know that this energy is there, you can try to move that energy through different parts of your body, repeat the following steps always concentrating on your breathing.

Move your inner energy up your arms, to your shoulders.

If you have a headache, move your energy to your head, notice how your headache starts to feel better.

If at any point you feel that you are losing your energy as you move it, then start the process again. Take your time and don’t stress if you cant move your energy immediately, it does take practice.

Try to follow these steps for 5 to 10 minutes daily, as you become more aware of your inner energy, notice how it flows and changes to different parts of your body.